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Rod Machado’s Private/Commercial Pilot Handbook

                                                                                 Stratiform clouds associated with
                                                                 Fig. 64
                                                                                 stable air in a slow moving cold

                                                                 Fig. 65

                                                                                 Cumuliform clouds associated with
                                                                                 the unstable air of a slow moving
                                                                                 cold front.

       Slow-moving cold fronts, on the  Unstable air, on the other hand, forms  replaced by warmer, moister air from
     other hand, generally generate less-  cumulus clouds and thunderstorms.  the south. Being heavier and denser,
     hazardous weather. Slower moving  Either way, the weather is confined to  the retreating cool air is tugged by
     cold air forms a shallower slope, with  a rather narrow band along the front,  surface friction as it moves. Warm
     less intense lifting of air (see Figure  as shown in Figure 65.          front orientation is more north-south
     64). Precipitation and cloud formation                                   or northwest-southeast, with the
     occurs in a rather broad band behind   Warm Fronts                       frontal position moving in a north-
     the cold front’s surface position.     Warm fronts are typically associat-  easterly direction, as shown in
     Because the lifting is less intense,  ed with the small wave patterns mov-  Figure 66.
     stratiform clouds are more likely to  ing along the polar front, as shown in   Tugging creates a long shallow
     form if the air is relatively stable. Fog  Figure 66. Retreating cool air in the   slope over which warm air rises grad-
     can also form in the rainy area.  upper part of a small frontal wave is  ually as it replaces the cooler air.

                                                                                Stratiform clouds associated with
                                                                                warm fronts and  moist stable air.

        Fig. 66

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