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Chapter 9 - Airspace: The Wild Blue, Green & Red Yonder                              9-21

                                                                                   Compare Chico’s Class D airspace on
                                                                                   this sectional chart excerpt below with
                                                                                   the model to the left.

                                                                 Fig. 29

            During the day, you can usually  Class D airspace. This provision is  school at a satellite airport to take off
          tell if the primary airport is below  known as a letter of agreement. It’s  or land in a specific direction without
          basic VFR minimums by looking at  somewhat like a prenuptial agree-      first establishing communications
          the airport’s rotating beacon. The  ment that attempts to prevent the  with the tower. Unless you know that
          beacon, which flashes white and  uppercuts, headlocks and general  you are covered by this procedure,
          green as it rotates, is normally acti-  mayhem associated with divorce  you should always establish and
          vated at night to help identify an air-  hearings. For example, a letter of  maintain two way radio communica-
          port with runway lights. When it’s  agreement with the tower might  tions with the tower prior to entering
          activated during the day, it means  allow pilots from a particular flight  Class D airspace.
          that an existing ceiling is less than
          1,000 feet or the visibility is less than
          three miles, or both. Either way, an      Martha Lake airport (position 1) is a satellite airport
          SVFR clearance (or an IFR clearance       within Snohomish’s (position 2) Class D airspace.
          if IFR rated) is required to operate
          into or out of the surface-based con-
          trolled airspace under these conditions.

          Satellite Airports Within
          Class D Airspace
            On occasion, another airport lies
          within the lateral boundaries of Class
          D airspace, as seen in Figure 30.
          Martha Lake airport (position 1), an
          uncontrolled airport, lies within the      2
          Class D airspace of Snohomish
          County airport (position 2).
            If you’re landing at Martha Lake,
          you need to establish and maintain
          two way radio communication with
          the primary airport (Snohomish
          Tower) prior to entering Class D air-
          space. If you’re taking off from                                              1
          Martha Lake airport, you must estab-
          lish contact with Snohomish tower as
          soon as practicable after departing.
            Sometimes a special arrangement
          is made with the control tower con-                                                           Fig. 30
          cerning satellite airports within its
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