Page 25 - PDF_Flip_Book
P. 25
Chapter 9 - Airspace: The Wild Blue, Green & Red Yonder 9-19
Class D Airspace
Class D airspace is controlled air-
space starting at the surface of air-
ports having an operating air traffic
control tower (Figure 25 shows its
dimensions). It’s established to help
air traffic controllers provide an
orderly flow of traffic taking off or
landing at airports within this air-
The blue dashed line surrounding
Chico airport in Figure 26 (position
1) represents the lateral dimensions
of Class D airspace. The radius of
Class D airspace varies with individ-
ual airports and is individually tai-
lored to the instrument approach
procedure for which the controlled
(Class D) airspace is established. It
averages 4.3 nautical miles (5
statute miles). The top of the air- Fig. 24
space cylinder generally extends to tower. Normally, numerous general and maintain two way radio commu-
heights of approximately 2,500 feet aviation airplanes are found taking nication prior to entering and when
AGL. The height also varies, off or landing at the primary airport operating within this airspace. In
depending on local needs. Position 2 within this airspace. The primary air- other words, you must talk to the
in Figure 26 identifies the actual top port shown in Figure 26, position 3, control tower before taking off, land-
of Class D airspace in hundreds of (the one with the control tower) is ing, or flying through this airspace.
feet above sea level as shown by the usually found at the center of the Of course, if you overfly Chico airport
bracketed value of 27 (2,700 feet blue dashed circle. This doesn’t mean at more than 2,700 feet MSL, or
MSL). As you can see, the 2,700 foot you won’t find the occasional larger operate beyond the lateral limits of
MSL top of Chico’s Class D airspace aircraft (shark or whale) at this air- the blue dashed line, you’re not in
is approximately 2,500 feet above its port. It does mean, however, that Class D airspace and no communica-
elevation of 238 feet MSL. there may be quite a few smaller air- tion is required. (See Chapter 6,
Class D airspace is established at planes (goldfish) in the vicinity. FAR 91.129 for the precise defini-
airports having sufficient traffic to All aircraft operating within Class tion of establishing and maintaining
justify the presence of a control D airspace are required to establish communication.)
Fig. 25
Fig. 26