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Chapter 5 - Flight Instruments: Clocks, Tops & Toys                               5-25

                                               rigid position. That’s why the child’s
                                               top remains upright until is stops
                                               spinning. It’s this property that
                                               allows the attitude indicator’s hori-
                                               zon card to portray airplane attitude.
                                                 The internal workings of the atti-
                                               tude indicator are displayed in Figure
                                               42. While this is a highly simplified
                                               drawing, it does allow you to under-                          Fig. 46
                                               stand the principles upon which the
                                               attitude indicator works. Notice the
                                               circular disk in the center of the
                                               instrument. This is the gyroscope. It
                                               is mechanically connected to the
              Fig. 43                          sky/ground horizon card on the face   45). This system is known as the vac-
                                               of the indicator. When spun, this disk   uum system (and this isn’t something
                                               takes on gyroscopic properties and   you use to keep your airplane clean!).
                                               maintains its position, fixed in space,   Notice that the vacuum pump is
                                               relative to the earth. Thus, the hori-  connected to two instruments—the
                                               zon’s face card, which is mechanical-  attitude indicator and the heading
                                               ly connected to the gyro, also remains  indicator. Both these instruments
                                               fixed in space. From inside the air-  use gyroscopes that are typically
                                               plane, the horizon face card accurate-  spun by vacuum air pressure. You
                                               ly represents the real horizon in  may also come across an airplane
                                               either a right or left hand turn as  with a heading indicator whose gyros
                                               shown in Figure 43. As you can clear-  are electrically spun. Either way, the
          known as rigidity in space. Figure 41  ly see, the airplane rotates about the  spinning of a gyro allows these
          shows a child’s top in full spin. A  attitude indicator’s gyro-stabilized  instruments to work their magic.
          spinning top, just like a spinning   (fixed) horizon card.                  Malfunctions of the airplane’s air-
          wheel inside the attitude indicator    Most light airplane attitude gyros  spun gyro instruments are usually
          (Figure 41), acquires the unusual  are spun by air pressure. A vacuum  caused by the vacuum pump provid-
          property known as rigidity in space.  pump (Figure 44) sucks air through  ing insufficient vacuum pressure. An
          A small wheel (a gyro) spun at high  the instrument and over the gyro,  airplane’s vacuum gauge (Figure 46)
          speed tends to remain in a fixed or  spinning it at high velocity (Figure  keeps you informed about the


                                            Fig. 44
                                                                                                 Fig. 45
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