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Ch-9 Weather TheoryV8-BAK_Basic Master Frame.qxd  12/19/2019  7:46 PM  Page 69

                                           Chapter 9 -  IFR Aviation Weather Theory                                       9-69

                       WARP Lightning Strike Overlay                                                       Narrowband

                                                                                                        Radar “Slash”


                                                             Fig. 120A
                          Courtesy FAA

                                                                                                                        Fig. 121
                                                                            Courtesy FAA
                                                                            When  using  narrowband  radar  weather  depictions,  the  slashes
                                                                            (hatched lines) identify areas of weather radar returns greater than
                                                                            30 dBZ.

                                                                                                              Radar “H”

                                                           Fig. 120B
                         Courtesy FAA
                         Center  controllers  can  superimpose  lightning strikes
                         (Figure 120A) over NEXRAD imagery (Figure 120B) on
                         their  screens.  It  is  interesting  to  note  that  lightning is
                         occurring  within  the  Level  3  (heavy  precipitation)
                         returns, reaffirming that thunderstorms are associated
                         with Level 3 (and higher) returns.

                     (sometimes  called  “hatched”  lines  by  controllers).  The
                     slashed lines represent weather radar returns greater than
                     30  dBZ.  That  can  mean  an  area  of  Level  2  returns  or
                     greater. You don’t know how much greater, though. There
                     could be a Level 3, 4, 5, or 6 storm present in the area.                                        Fig. 122
                     When the “H” symbol is present, it outlines areas that are                    Courtesy FAA
                     greater than 40 dBZ (Figure 122).                      When using narrowband radar weather depictions, the H’s identi-
                       If the Center controller advised you that WARP infor-  fy areas of weather radar returns greater than 40 dBZ.
                     mation  wasn’t  available,  you  could  ask  him  or  her  for
                     information  on  the  slashes  and  Hs  shown  by  their  nar-
                     rowband weather information. Any area surrounded by an
                     H  is  an  area  to  avoid.  Center  controllers  must  typically
                     activate individual buttons to display the slashes, the Hs
                     and  the  slashes  and  Hs  together  (the  WX#1  key,  the
                     WX#2  key,  or  the  WX#3  key,  respectively)  as  shown  in                                 Fig. 123
                     Figure  123.  If  both  slashes  and  Hs  are  being  displayed,
                     then avoid the Hs and use caution for the slashes since the  The Center controller can selectively isolate the slashes and Hs or
                     border between them and the Hs indicate a Level 2 return.  allow them both to identify weather on their radar screen.
                       In this instance, the best way to let the controller know
                     you’re interested in slashes and Hs, is to say something  activate your Weather #3 key and tell me the positions of
                     like,  “Sir  (or  ma’am,  and  don’t  get  these  mixed  up  or  the slashes and Hs’s relative to my airplane and its direc-
                     you’ll end up in a holding pattern somewhere), will you  tion of flight?”
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