Page 15 - Workbook_Sample
P. 15

Rod Machado’s Private/Commercial Pilot Workbook

          Commercial Pilot Test Questions                     While flying an IFR cross-country trip you picked up rime
                                                              icing on the leading edge of the wings which you estimate
                         The Atmosphere                       to be 1/2" thick. You are now below the clouds at 2000 feet
                                                              AGL and are approaching your destination airport under
       253.                                                   VFR. Visibility under the clouds is more than 10 miles,
       Identify a common location for the formation of clear air   winds at the destination airport are 8 knots right down the
       turbulence.                                            runway, and the surface temperature is 3 degrees Celsius.
       A. Near a ridge aloft on the equatorial side of a      You decide to:
           high-pressure airflow.                             A. use a faster than normal approach and landing speed.
       B. Within an upper trough on the polar side of a jet     B. approach and land at your normal speed since the ice
           stream.                                                is not thick enough to have any noticeable effect.
       C. South of an east/west oriented high-pressure ridge in    C. fly your approach slower than normal to lessen the
           its dissipating stage.                                 “wind chill” effect and break up the ice.

       254.                                                                     Thunderstorms
       The jet stream and associated clear air turbulence can
       often identified in flight by                          259.
       A. long streaks of cirrus clouds                       If airborne radar is indicating an extremely intense thun-
       B. dust or haze at flight level.                       derstorm echo, this thunderstorm should be avoided by a
       C. a constant outside air temperature.                 distance of at least
                                                              A. 20 miles.
       255.                                                   B. 10 miles.
       The strength and location of the jet stream is normally    C. 50 miles.
       A. weaker and farther north in the summer.
       B. stronger and farther north in the winter.           260.
       C. stronger and farther north in the summer.           Of the following, which is most accurate regarding turbu-
                                                              lence associated with thunderstorms?
       256.                                                   A. Outside the cloud, shear turbulence can be
       Which type of jet stream can be expected to cause the       encountered 100 miles laterally from a severe storm.
       greater turbulence?                                    B. Shear turbulence is encountered only inside
       A. A curving jet stream associated with a deep             cumulonimbus clouds or within a 50-mile radius of them.
           low pressure trough.                               C. Outside the cloud, shear turbulence can be
       B. A straight jet stream associated with a low pressure        encountered 20 miles laterally from a severe storm.
       C. A jet stream occurring during the summer at the lower   261.
            latitudes.                                        Which is true regarding the use of airborne weather-avoid-
                                                              ance radar for the recognition of certain weather condi-
                               Icing                          tions?
                                                              A. The avoidance of hail is assured when flying between
       257.                                                       and just clear of the most intense echoes.
       Which situation would most likely result in freezing precipi-  B. The information shown on a radar screen provides no
       tation? Rain falling from air which has a temperature of        assurance of avoiding instrument weather conditions.
       A. 0°C or less into air having a temperature of 0°C or    C. The clear area between intense echoes indicates that
           more.                                                  visual sighting of storms can be maintained when flying
       B. 32°F or less into air having a temperature of more        between the echoes.
           than 32°F.
       C. more than 32°F into air having a temperature of 32°F
           or less.

            Note: To ensure that you have the most current answers to these questions, please check the
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