Page 12 - Workbook_Sample
P. 12

10-4             Rod Machado’s Private/Commercial Pilot Workbook

       24.                                                                           Wires
       Referring to the figure on                             29.
       the right, what minimum                                What does arrow A point
       altitude is required to fly                            to in the figure to the                   A
       over the lighted obstacle                              right?
       located just north of the                              A. Guy wires extending
       city of Hamburg? (Assume                                   from radio or TV tow-
       that the entire area is a                              ers.
       congested area.)                                       B. Power transmission
       A. 1,483 feet MSL.                                         lines.
       B. 1,483 feet AGL.                                     C. A single-rail railroad.
       C. 1,323 feet MSL.

       25.                                                                           Airport
       Referring to the figure on                             30.
       the right, the top of the                              Airports are coded by colors on the map. Those airports
       obstacle approximately 3                               colored in _____ don’t have an air traffic control tower.
       miles southwest of the                                 Those shown in _____ have a tower (although it may not
       city of Lexington is                                   be in operation 24 hours a day—most aren’t).
       A. 579 feet AGL.                                       A. magenta, black
       B. 265 feet MSL.                                       B. magenta, blue
       C. 579 feet MSL.                                       C. blue, magenta

       26.                                                    31.
       What minimum altitude is                               Normally, both the magenta and blue airport symbols are
       necessary to vertically                                circles unless the airport has a hard surfaced runway
       clear the lighted obstacle                             greater than _____.
       on the southwest side of                               A. 5,000 feet
       Hobbs airport by 500                                   B. 10,000 feet
       feet?                                                  C. 8,000 feet
       A. 2,500 feet MSL.
       B. 2,615 feet MSL.                                     32.
       C. 2,615 feet AGL.                                     Any airport having a darkened circle with the runways in
                                                              reverse-bold white has a _____ runway between 1,500
                                                              and 8,069 feet in length.
                              Roads                           A. soft surfaced
       27.                                                    B. hard surfaced
       What does arrow A point                                C. asphalt covered
       to in the figure to the
       right?                                         A       33.
       A. A railroad track.                                   Referring to
       B. A power transmission                                the figure to
           line.                                              the right, which
       C. A road.                                             public airports
                                                              depicted have
                          Railroad Tracks                     A. Carson and
       28.                                                        Dayton Valley.
       Referring to the figure to                             B. Douglas,
       the right, what does           A                           Pinenut
       arrow A point to?                                          and Parker.
       A. A railroad track.                                   C. Douglas and
       B. A power transmission                                    Carson.
       C. A superhighway.
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