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Ch-14 Instrument Departures-V8-NEW-Update_Basic Master Frame.qxd  12/19/2019  5:30 PM  Page 10

                14-10               Rod Machado’s Instrument Pilot’s Handbook

                right)  as  soon  as  practicable.”  Because  of  these
                obstacles’ untidy location, one-mile visibility and a
                300-foot ceiling will be listed in the takeoff mini-
                mum requirement for that airport.
                  It’s  important  to  know  that  obstacles  located
                within 1 NM of the departure end of the runway
                (the  DER)  that  penetrate  the  40:1  OCS  might

                normally  require  a  climb  gradient  higher  than

                200  feet  per  NM  for  a  short  distance  past  the

                DER (Figure 11). You can only imagine how com-
                plicated ODPs would become if you had multiple

                climb gradients for one runway over a short dis-

                tance. To eliminate the confusion, ODP designers
                will list the obstacle(s) AGL and MSL height and  Fig. 11

                location relative to the DER in the ODP. Why? So
                you can avoid it during departure. Get the hint?

                You have to see this obstacle to avoid it and that implies  TPP Section L Takeoff Minimums/ODPs


                you must do whatever is necessary (liftoff early, turn  T   TAKEOFF MINIMUMS, (OBSTACLE) DEPARTURE PROCEDURES, AND

                around the obstacle, or stay in bed until the weather  18032      DIVERSE VECTOR AREA (RADAR VECTORS)   T

                                                                       CORONA, CA
                improves).  The  textual  ODP  description  for  Delano,  CORONA MUNI (AJO)      EL CENTRO NAF (KNJK)
                                                                              DELANO, CA         EL CENTRO, CA
                California (Figure 12) indicates that there’s a 65-foot  DEPARTURE PROCEDURES     TAKEOFF MINIMUMS AND (OBSTACLE)
                                                                        TAKEOFF MINIMUMS AND (OBSTACLE)
                                                                        AMDT 3 94146 (FAA)        DEPARTURE PROCEDURES
                                                                               DELANO MUNI (DLO)
                tree located 600 feet from the departure end of the run-  TAKEOFF MINIMUMS: Rwy 7, 1000-2 or std. with a min.     17117

                                                                                                  TAKEOFF MINIMUMS: For Climb in Visual Conditions:
                                                                         climb of 310' per NM to 1700. Rwy 25, 600-2 or std. with
                way that’s 500 feet left of Runway 14’s centerline. Care  a min. climb of 280' per NM to 1200.   Rwys 8, 12, 26, 30, 2000-2½.
                                                                                TAKEOFF MINIMUMS AND (OBSTACLE)

                                                                                                  DEPARTURE PROCEDURE: For Climb in Visual
                                                                               DEPARTURE PROCEDURES
                                                                        DEPARTURE PROCEDURE: Rwy 7, climbing left turn.
                to  correct  for  drift  after  departure  in  your  Ancient  Rwy 25, climbing right turn. All aircraft continue   Conditions: Rwys 8, 12, 26, cross El Centro airport at
                                                                               AMDT 3A 08129 (FAA)
                                                                         climb direct to PDZ VORTAC. Aircraft departing PDZ R-
                                                                                                  or above 1800 before proceeding on course. When
                                                                                                  executing VCOA, notify ATC prior to departure.
                                                                         091 CW R-140 and R-231 CW R-280 climb on course.

                Cherokee  140  Driftmaster?  I  hope  so  because  the   All others continue climb in PDZ VORTAC holding   TAKEOFF OBSTACLE NOTES: Rwy 12, pole -3’ MSL,
                                                                         pattern (Hold NE, right turns, 210° inbound) to cross   1531’ from DER, 884’ right of cntrln. Fence -34’ MSL,
                                                                                climb rate of 390' per NM to 400.
                                                                                TAKEOFF MINIMUMS: Rwy 32, 400-1 or std. with a min.
                departure procedure for Runway 14 says to climb via a   PDZ VORTAC at or above:  R-141 CW R-230 4000, R-  199’ from DER, 305’ left of cntrln. Terrain -36’ MSL, 0’
                                                                                                  from DER, 41’ left of cntrln. Terrain -39’ MSL, 0’ from

                                                                               DEPARTURE PROCEDURE: Rwy 14, Climb via heading
                “heading”  of  140  degrees.  Normally,  headings  aren’t  DAGGETT, CA            213’ left of cntrln. Pylon -3’ MSL, 1532’ from DER, 884’
                                                                                                  DER, 500’ left of cntrln. Fence -34’ MSL, 289’ from DER,

                                                                        281 CW R-090 6700.  140° and EHF VORTAC R-324 to 3000 before
                                                                                                  right of cntrln. Fence -34’ MSL, 504’ from DER, 3’ right of
                corrected for drift but that doesn’t make it wise to drift  BARSTOW-DAGGETT (DAG)   cntrln. Rwy 26, terrain -45’ MSL, 0’ from DER, 500’ left of

                                                                                proceeding on course.  Rwy 32, climb via heading 320°
                                                                       TAKEOFF MINIMUMS AND (OBSTACLE)
                                                                                                  cntrln. Rwy 30, electrical box 4’ AGL/-45’ MSL, 176’ from
                into an obstacle when you can do something about it.   DEPARTURE PROCEDURES         DER, 139’ left of cntrln.
                                                                                and EHF VORTAC R-324 to 3000 before proceeding on
                                                                       AMDT 3 10210 (FAA)

                                                                        DEPARTURE PROCEDURE: Use DAGGETT
                                                                               TAKEOFF OBSTACLE NOTES: 65' AGL tre
                So correct for drift if it’s necessary so that you’ll avoid  DEPARTURE.     DER, 500'  left of centerline runway 14.
                                                                                                EL MONTE, CA e 600' from
                                                                                                SAN GABRIEL VALLEY (EMT)
                turning a 65-foot-tall tree into a 60-foot-tall tree.  DELANO, CA                TAKEOFF MINIMUMS AND (OBSTACLE)
                                                                      DELANO MUNI (DLO)          DEPARTURE PROCEDURES

                  If ODPs ensure an obstruction-free departure, then   TAKEOFF MINIMUMS AND (OBSTACLE)     AMDT 6  17173 (FAA)
                                                                       DEPARTURE PROCEDURES      TAKEOFF MINIMUMS: Rwy 1, std. w/min. climb of 340'

                why  aren’t  they  included  in  your  clearance  when  AMDT 3A 08129 (FAA)         per NM to 1000, or 1600-2½ for VCOA.

                                                                       TAKEOFF MINIMUMS: Rwy 32, 400-1 or std. with a min.   DEPARTURE PROCEDURE:  Rwy 1, climb heading 011°

                                                                                                  to 700’ then climbing right turn on heading 128° and on
                                                                        climb rate of 390' per NM to 400.

                departing  IFR  at  any  airport,  towered  or  non-tow-  SW-3, 01 FEB 2018 to 29 MAR 2018  DEPARTURE PROCEDURE: Rwy 14, Climb via heading      PDZ R-278 to PDZ VORTAC thence…

                                                                        140° and EHF VORTAC R-324 to 3000 before          Rwy 19, climb heading 191° to 1500 then climbing left     SW-3, 01 FEB 2018 to 29 MAR 2018
                ered? The answer is, ATC can assign them when you       proceeding on course.  Rwy 32, climb via heading 320°   VORTAC thence…

                                                                                                  turn on heading 068° and on PDZ R-278 to PDZ

                                                                        and EHF VORTAC R-324 to 3000 before proceeding on      ... Aircraft departing PDZ R-078 CW R-292 climb on

                depart into Class B, C, D or E (controlled) airspace.  TAKEOFF OBSTACLE NOTES: 65' AGL tree 600' from   course. All others continue climb in PDZ VORTAC

                                                                        DER, 500'  left of centerline runway 14.      holding pattern (hold NE, RT, 210° inbound) to cross
                (Note: at airports without control towers but within a                           PDZ VORTAC at or above MEA for route of flight.

                                                                     EDWARDS AF AUX NORTH BASE (9L2)   VCOA: Rwy 1, obtain ATC approval for VCOA when
                Class  E  surface  area,  ATC  does  have  the  option  of  EDWARDS, CA          requesting IFR clearance. Climb in visual conditions to
                                                                                                 cross San Gabriel Valley Airport at or above 1700 then

                                                                      TAKEOFF MINIMUMS AND (OBSTACLE)   intercept PDZ R-278 to PDZ VORTAC. Aircraft departing

                specifying the takeoff/turn or the initial heading to be  DEPARTURE PROCEDURES        PDZ R-078 CW R-292 climb on course. All others
                                                                       Rwy 6-24, climb on course, cross 15 NM from ARP at   continue climb in PDZ VORTAC holding pattern (hold
                flown after takeoff, as necessary. ATC will obtain or  or above 4500.                 NE, RT, 210° inbound) to cross PDZ VORTAC at or

                                                                                                 above MEA for route of flight.

                solicit  your  concurrence,  before  takeoff,  that  these  EDWARDS AFB (KEDW)
                                                                                                 TAKEOFF OBSTACLE NOTES:  Rwy 1, sign 18’ from

                                                                                                 DER, 124’ right of centerline, 10’ AGL/300’ MSL. Building
                                                                      EDWARDS, CA
                                                                                                 99’ from DER, 269’ left of centerline, 44’ AGL/334’ MSL.

                items will allow compliance with traffic patterns, ter-  DEPARTURE PROCEDURES                  AGL/310’ MSL. Multiple light standards and vehicles on

                                                                      TAKEOFF MINIMUMS AND (OBSTACLE)
                                                                                                 Hangar 273’ from DER, 299’ right of centerline, 20’

                rain, and avoiding obstruction.)                        12012                           road beginning 525’ from DER, left and right of

                                                                       Rwys 4L/R, Radar Required, Climb 340 ft/NM to
                                                                                                 centerline, up to 44’ AGL/344’ MSL. Trees beginning 610’

                                                                      5500, track inbound on EDW R-223 to EDW      from DER, left and right of centerline, up to 94’ AGL/404’

                  Keep  in  mind  that  ATC  has  no  jurisdiction  over  VORTAC, then out EDW R-043. Climb as instructed,          MSL. Pole 1698’ from DER, on centerline, 65’ AGL/365’

                                                                                                 MSL.  Rwy 19, sign 16’ from DER, 129’ left of centerline,

                                                                      expect radar vectors after passing 4500 or climb on   15’ AGL/285’ MSL. Multiple poles and light standards

                the Class G airspace. That’s why they don’t assign    course, cross 15 NM from ARP at or above 4500.          beginning 377’ from DER, left and right of centerline, up

                                                                      Rwys 22L/R, Radar and DME Required. CAT ABC

                                                                      track outbound EDW R-223. At 12 DME turn right        to 100’ AGL/358’ MSL. Trees beginning 74’ from DER,

                these ODPs. On the other hand, ATC may assign an      heading 020°, intercept EDW R-247 to EDW            right and left of centerline, up to 68’ AGL/348’ MSL.

                                                                      VORTAC. Climb as instructed, expect radar vectors        DIVERSE VECTOR AREA (RADAR VECTORS)

                ODP  in  Class  G  (uncontrolled)  airspace  when  it’s  after passing 4500 or climb on course, cross 15 NM     AMDT 1  17117 (FAA)

                                                                      from ARP at or above 4500. CAT DE track outbound

                                                                      EDW R-223. At 12 DME turn right, intercept EDW          Rwys 1, headings as assigned by ATC; requires

                necessary  to  prevent  a  traffic  separation  problem  R-247 to EDW VORTAC. Climb as instructed, expect         minimum climb of 290’ per NM to 1300.  Rwys 19,

                                                                      radar vectors after passing 4500 or climb on course,          headings assigned by ATC.

                (such as two airplanes departing IFR at non-towered   cross 15 NM from ARP at or above 4500.                        Fig. 12

                airports in close proximity to each other).              TAKEOFF MINIMUMS  (OBSTACLE) DEPARTURE PROCEDURES  AND

                  Unfortunately,  ODPs  are  not  available  at  all  air-  will identify obstacles penetrating the 40:1 climb plane within 1 mile
                                                                   To prevent multiple climb gradients after departure, ODP designers

                ports  because  not  all  airports  have  instrument  of the DER (departure end of the runway). Your job? Avoid these!

                approaches. That doesn’t mean, however, that there
                aren’t other resources available for finding a safe way out.  a sectional chart and identifying the highest obstacle in the
                Safe IFR departures can be made if you talk to a few of the  departure path. This becomes your minimum ceiling height
                airport locals about airport geography and local departure  for departure. Using a minimum of one mile of visibility for
                procedures.  Before  departure,  determine  what  minimum  departures, until the aircraft is above or moving away from
                visibility or ceiling requirements are needed to avoid local  the  referenced  obstacle,  also  provides  an  excellent  safety
                obstructions. Professional recommendation (not to mention  advantage.  The  plain  fact  is  that  it’s  easier  to  avoid  an
                common sense) has it that there are benefits to taking out  obstacle you can see.
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