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                                                   Chapter 3 -  A Plan for the Scan                                       3-13

                                                                                   The Scan Starts with The AI

                          Fig. 22                                             Fig. 24

                       Think about it this way. If you want to enter a climb, a  want  to  make  a  major  attitude  change (i.e.,  climb,
                     descent, a turn, or any other maneuver that instrument  descend, turn, enter a climb from a turn, enter straight
                     pilots  make,  you’ll  simply  run  through  the  three  steps  and level flight from a climb and so on). All three steps
                     that I’ll give you. You don’t need to memorize a specific  together  should  take  approximately  10  to  15  seconds  to
                     scan pattern for each maneuver you want to accomplish.  complete. Figure 23 shows the three steps and the order in
                     Imagine having to say to yourself, “OK, I’m going to enter  which to do them.
                     a climb so what’s the specific scan pattern required to do  I’ll speak only of primary instruments in the three-step
                     this?” or “I’m returning to straight and level flight from a  instrument  scan  procedure.  Any  pitch,  bank  or  power
                     climbing turn so what’s the scan pattern for this maneu-  instrument that isn’t primary becomes a supporting pitch,
                     ver?”  This  would  be  cruel,  like  using  turtles  for  speed  bank, and power instrument by default.
                     bumps. I wouldn’t want to punish that three pound brain  Here’s the big picture of the three steps in action:
                     of yours with an exercise that requires as many scan pat-  Begin any major attitude change by placing the airplane
                     terns as there are basic flight maneuvers (and there are  in the new attitude, adjust the power and trim if neces-
                     quite a few, too).                                     sary, all the while checking that no instrument has failed
                       Instead, you only need to remember three steps along  or is reading erroneously.
                     with  the  instrument  labeling  system  I  showed  you  in  Radial  cross-check  the  primary  instruments,  making
                     Figure 13. You’ll do the three steps in order every time you  small corrections on the attitude indicator if necessary.
                                                                                          Make  a  final  trim  adjustment,  and  then
                                                                                        monitor  all  six  flight  instruments  to  main-
                                                                          Fig. 23       tain the new attitude.
                                                                                          The specific details and reasons for each of
                                                                                        the three steps follow.
                                                                                          Step 1 of the Three-Step Scan
                                                                                          The first step in the three-step scan is to
                                                                                        select  the  attitude,  power, and  trim condi-
                                                                                         tions for the new flight attitude and confirm
                                                                                         the correct operation of the attitude indica-
                                                                                         tor.  This  first  step  is  executed  by  focusing
                                                                                         solely on the attitude indicator. That’s why
                                                                                         it’s labeled START as shown in Figure 24
                                                                                         (hopefully, someone won’t try and start the
                                                                                         engine  by  tapping  on  this  instrument).
                                                                                         Select  the  attitude  that  your  experience
                                                                                          says  will  provide  the  flight  conditions
                                                                                          you’re after. You don’t have to be perfect,
                                                                                          just reasonably close.
                                                                                            The  big  question  here  is  whether  it’s
                                                                                          reasonable to focus your attention on only
                                                                                          the attitude indicator when changing atti-
                                                                                          tudes. After all, the attitude indicator could
                                                                                          fail  and  lead  you  astray  (like  scanning
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