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Chapter-7 Ground Reference Maneuvers-V20_Sport Pilot Handbook  8/30/2021  6:12 PM  Page 18

                  7-18             Rod Machado’s How to Fly an Airplane Handbook

                   As you approach the up-
                wind point of the circle (the                                                          Max WCA
                270 degree turn point), as           Crab Angle Increased
                shown in Figure 24, position
                D, your groundspeed begins to                                             D
                increase slightly because the                                                                          D
                wind is no longer blowing di-
                rectly on your nose. You’ll have
                to increase the bank slightly to                               Groundspeed increasing, wind correction
                maintain the correct turning                                    angle increasing and bank increasing
                radius. However, you’ll also
                need to keep the airplane’s
                nose pointed slightly outside
                your imagined circular ground                                                                       Fig. 25
                track in order to keep your
                turn radius from decreas-
                ing. Apply the same WCA                                                                       The Third
                you used at the 90 degree                                                                   Quarter Of
                of turn point (the WCA                                                                   Turns Around
                won’t change much and                                                                            A Point
                if it does change a little,                    C
                that’s due to slight                                                                         As the airplane
                changes in airspeed due                                     Max wind correction             progresses from
                to bank angle).                                              angle at position D          positions C to D, it
                                                                                                        experiences less of a
                   How do you do that?                                                                headwind but more of a
                                                                                                     crosswind. Therefore, as
                Gradually increase the
                                                                                                   its groundspeed increases,
                bank angle to compensate for                                                     you must progressively allow
                the increasing groundspeed                                                         the airplane to turn slightly
                                                                                               outside the turn arc to establish
                but not so fast as to pull the nose                                         the desired wind correction angle.
                parallel to or inside the imagined
                                                                               D                                    Fig. 24
                turn arc (Figure 25, position D). In
                 Turns Around a Point - Graphically Explained

                 Sometimes there’s nothing like a good graph
                 to help you make sense of a particular maneu-                                                      A
                 ver. So let me help you understand how to use
                 the Turns Around a Point graph to the right.                 A           B                     D
                    On the left side of the graph are three vertical
                 color coded bars representing the wind correc-
                 tion angle, the groundspeed and the bank
                 angle used in this maneuver. The top of these
                 bars represent maximum values (MAX) while
                 the bottom represents minimum values (MIN).
                    The graph’s horizontal axis represents the de-
                 grees of turn throughout the maneuver. Position
                 #A represents the beginning and end of the ma-
                 neuver (0° and 360° of turn) where the ground-
                 speed and the bank angle are the largest
                 (MAX). At positions #B and #D (90° and 270°
                 of turn) the wind correction angle is at a maxi-                            C
                 mum and the groundspeed and bank angle
                 are approximately half of their max value. At
                 180° of turn all three values are at a minimum.
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