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Chapter-5 Stalls and Spins-V20_Sport Pilot Handbook  8/30/2021  5:56 PM  Page 21

                                                       Chapter 5: Stalls and Spins                                        5-21

                       How does the use of aileron to raise a drop-            Aileron Application and Angle of Attack
                    ping wing increase the angle of attack on that
                    wing? Figure 27 shows how turn-                                                       As the left wing stalls and
                                                                                                      drops, attempting to raise it by
                    ing the yoke to the right lowers                                                   using right aileron increases
                    the aileron on the stalled                                                         the angle of attack on the left
                                                                                                      wing, thus deepening the stall
                    (left) wing, thus further
                                                                                                                    on that wing.
                    increasing the angle of at-
                    tack on that wing beyond
                    its critical value.
                       Your first reaction
                    whenever a wing drops
                    should be to reduce the
                    angle of attack and simul-
                    taneously apply rudder to                          Right aileron
                    stop the yawing (or rolling)                       deepens the
                                                                       stall on the
                    motion while neutralizing the                       left wing
                    ailerons. You can’t spin if you don’t                                                              Fig. 27
                    yaw. Period! As a general rule during all
                    stalls, if one wing drops (or begins to                     Left Wing Stalling and Dropping First
                    drop) during a stall, resulting in
                    the airplane yawing and rolling
                    toward the dropping wing,
                    leave the ailerons in their neu-
                    tral position and release eleva-
                    tor back pressure to reduce
                                                                             2                                   1
                    the angle of attack on both                                Recover by                         Airplane rolls
                                                                               lowering the                       and yaws to
                    wings while  simultaneously                                 nose and                           the left as
                    applying sufficient rudder pres-                            applying                            left wing
                    sure to stop the yawing motion.                            right rudder                        stalls first
                       If a left wing drops, resulting
                    in a yaw and roll to the left, apply
                                                                                                                      Fig. 28
                    right rudder (Figure 28); if the right
                    wing drops, resulting in a yaw and
                                                                               Right Wing Stalling and Dropping First
                    roll to the right, apply left rudder
                    (Figure 29). As you are applying
                    rudder, you are simultaneously
                    reducing the angle of attack.
                       How much rudder pres-
                    sure should you apply to stop
                    the yawing motion? Enough
                    to stop the yawing motion!                                                               1
                       That’s right. Do whatever                         2                                    Airplane rolls
                                                                           Recover by                          and yaws to
                    it takes, and don’t be shy
                                                                          lowering the                         the right as
                    about doing it. Push that rud-                          nose and                           right wing
                    der pedal all the way to the floor-                   applying left                        stalls first
                    board if necessary. You’re usually at                                                             Fig. 29
                    a very slow airspeed, which means the
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